be sure to simplify your purchase process whenever possible

Simplify Your Message in Your Communications Strategy

I find it quite interesting to observe how purchase decisions are finalized. This process is even more fascinating when you look to see how the process has changed over time. As a marketing professional, it is critical to understand just how your target audience makes a purchase. If you don’t understand this process, you will likely waste precious resources, time, and effort trying to encourage behavior that might never occur.

Let’s first take a look at what I would consider to be a pretty basic purchase process – the decision to buy an ice cream at the beach.

A Simple Purchase

The first thing to consider is that this process will vary, depending upon if you are alone or with a group. In all likelihood, you will be with another person. In this case, the decision really isn’t yours alone to make. There is a time factor. Are you late to another destination with your companion? If so, then there will likely be no ice cream for you.

Alternatively, if the weather is hot, you are with a group that has time and money, then perhaps the likelihood could be quite high that you will have a cold treat becomes quite high. Not so fast … even in this scenario, there is a possibility that someone in your party in particular. Is it too crowded? Do they have my flavor? Are there Sherbet options? Only after navigating through these final considerations might a purchase be consummated.

As this example hopefully demonstrates, even a basic decision to purchase an ice cream cone at the beach will likely be impacted by the power of an influencer.

A Complex Sale

Given the above hypothetical scenario, one might wonder how a complex enterprise software solution is ever purchased! Sometimes, looking back on deals I was involved with, it is indeed amazing that they actually closed. Consider just some of the variables that must be addressed:

  1. Will the new software be compatible with the company’s existing IT systems?
  2. Will additional training be required?
  3. Can our existing staff support and run the program with training, or will new hires be needed? (If this is indeed the case, re-consider purchasing different software – the point here is to IMPROVE productivity)
  4. Is the new software necessary? In other words, can the problem be solved in a different way using the existing IT infrastructure, perhaps residing in another department or another business unit? Consider if you had just spent $1 billion on an ERP deployment, which still isn’t done, to really see the ramification of this consideration.
  5. Will I, the buyer, be out of a job if this new software is installed? (This might mean you are speaking to the wrong buyer.)
  6. Will this new software support our existing policies and process governance guidelines? Or, will it enable out-of-policy or procedures?

No Purchase is Made in a Vacuum

What should now be abundantly clear is that the role of influencer is critical, so cannot be overlooked. Your marketing communications and sales strategy must accommodate this reality. Any concerns or questions presented by influencers must be addressed.

As an update, influencer marketing is expected to grow to be worth $13.8 billion in 2021 (source)

Of course, what this means is that topics for communicating to your audience must now include ancillary topics, perhaps some that might not have seemed intuitive when establishing your initial marketing communications strategy.

Read this article to learn how about Social Media’s Influential Role.

Sadly, those that neglect this expanded requirement for messaging will hit stumbling blocks at the worst possible time – when it comes time to close a sale. An influencer may not be able to close a deal, but they can certainly block one by influencing a decision-maker to defer purchase, or worse, select your competitor’s offering. And, if they can’t quickly and easily explain your value proposition and a compelling reason to purchase, then forget about getting any help in making another sale!

Gordon Benzie is a marketing and communications professional with 20+ years of experience working for startups, large enterprises, and private clients.

Published by

Gordon Benzie

Gordon Benzie is an analyst relations, marketing, communications, and public relations professional that is passionate about elevating brand awareness. He has had much success in establishing marketing and awareness strategies and then executing upon them with measurable results.

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